A special edition of our monthly series highlighting exciting gigs at the NGBG-Festival 2024. The fest takes place all throughout Norra Grängesbergsgatan in Malmö, during the 12th, 13th, and 14th of September (Thursday through Saturday). With 36 stages, the amount of acts performing might be overbearing, so to organize it for myself and perhaps a few readers of this music site I’ve decided to do a little bit of listenin’ n’ writin’. Also, yeah the whole festival is FREE?!?
Did we miss anything? TELL US! Because I probably missed a lot of things, even though I tried my ABSOLUTE best to find info on every act. Personal preference plays a huge role here, for the full schedule and information check out the official NGBG-site. NOT AFFILIATED WITH THE ORGANIZATION WHATSOEVER. I’m just some dude with a domain.
Oh and check out this playlist containing some of the stuff that I’m going to mention:
Malmö Indiekör (26 – Plan B Warehouse) gospel versioner av indielåtar, lite kul!
Kens Kvartett (13 – Road Runner 1) komidisk partypunk
Moatjé (25 – Plan B Garage) faded indierock med saxofon
Emma Håård (26 – Plan B Warehouse) lite jazzig lite rockig väldigt trevlig indiepop!
Human Non Human (26 – Plan B Warehouse) proggy n’ funky punkrock, goes hard n’ fast
Weekend Hippies (27 – Plan B Workshop) bangin’ garagerock powerpop type beat
Odödligt Allvar (13 – Road Runner 1) typ kul skånsk rock om kräftskivor och sånt
Sexdebut (25 – Plan B Garage) intensiv, experimentell, techno-hiphoppunk
Martin Månsson Sjörstrand Trio (26 – Plan B Warehouse) surfy instrumental artrock
Fröken Spöken (27 – Plan B Workshop) mörk och monoton progpunk
Repeat (27 – Plan B Workshop) kinda cool malmöian alternative stoner punkrock, at their best they kind of sound like pixies
BLOSS (27 – Plan B Workshop) snabba låtar med bra melodier och sånt. malmös främsta punkrockare. lär bli ösigt. rekommenderas
Friday has a pretty loaded lineup, mostly at 21:00, that’s some clashing right there. Filip Rahim Hansson is doing a live-painting sesh starting 18:00 at 32 – Entré Container Söder.
YAMCHA (27 – Plan B Workshop) malmö hardcore, barking and shit
Nordic Cactus (8 – Blå Norr) (kind of but not really postpunky) indierock, very 90s very scrappy kinda cool
Reveal Party (25 – Plan B Garage) super duper pleasant sounding indiefolk, actually floored by this wow, too uninformed to make a recommendation but check this out if it really is what I found on spotify and socials etc.
atatlas (9 – Blå Söder) noisy postpunk vibes
raysablaze (14 – Road Runner 2) really have no interest in this other than that there seems to be metal bellydancing
vinylquiz (12 – Slicebar)
Situationsfornaermelse (25 – Plan B Garage) fast and loud danish PUNKrock
Bob Frank & The Lemon Curds (8 – Blå Norr) crazy malmöian psychrock crew
Bellvie (9 – Blå Söder) totally bangin’ & dreamy indierock, haven’t seen them but the new EP tickles all the right places in my brain, is probably recommended
Eyes Closed (11 – ABF Scenen) lund mall-emo (positive!!!), a gigantic hell yeah. only catchy, emotional, and bangin’ tracks. is recommended
Idiot Child (26 – Plan B Warehouse) postpunk, anti-estabilshment, heavy guitars, a lot of noise, melancholic/monotone/monster/mangled screaming
MOJO PIN (27 – PLAN B WORKSHOP) coolest mfs. helsingborg grunge with a punch. new stuff super sick; harder and rawer. see ya in the pit. is recommended.
Yellowbrenda (2 – Traktorscenen) cutesy indiefolkpop duo, a little jazzy, a little artsy
Hund Begraven (8 – Blå Norr) pretty sick postpunk, rockin’!
Brainbombs (26 – Plan B Warehouse) postpunk, anti-estabilshment, heavy guitars, a lot of noise, melancholic/monotone/monster/mangled screaming
Party In The Afterlife (27 – Plan B Workshop) # swag rap-emo
Collider (25 – Plan B Garage) jazzy n dreamy danish indie
Pharmacist (9 – Blå Söder) postpunkrock outfit, I’ve kind of run out of things to describe postpunk with, uh kind of poppy? but still postpunk, idk man
babysun (27 – Plan B Workshop) rockin’ postpunk, self labeled as bitchpop.
“wrap up music or encore set” (25 – Plan B Garage) ok so tinfoil hat time yall – tuesday it was announced that Loppen (Copenhagen) has a stage takeover at Plan B this evening, including Micheal Ellis, Collider, interestingly Doed Asfalt, and also perhaps more interestingly Elias Ronnenfelt (lead singer of Iceage). However, Ronnenfelt does not appear on any of the NGBG lineup posts. one could make the wild assumption that Ronnenfelt has a set during or after this slot time, perhaps a “secret” set? Neither does Doed Asfalt appear on any official timeslot, they sound absolutely sick – noisy garage indierock. On the social post by Loppen both appear underneath Collider – logic tells me that they then play after them. This could be one big conspiracy – or I might be delusional.
Drag Queen Karaoke (25 – Plan B Garage)
Stephan Solvang (8 – Blå Norr) groovy and emotional alternativepoprock, makes ya move yr feet!
Guldängens Bygglek (1) workshop och sånt, bjuder tydligen på pannkakor, saft och popcorn.
Gideon Jeramia (1 – Trädgårdscenen) akustisk indiefolk, kan vara mysigt om det är fint väder i trädgården!
Gunno (9 – Blå Söder) melankolisk och atmosfärisk alternativrock, kan vara mysigt om det är kasst väder längs med gatan!
Bob and the Bailers (11 – ABF Scenen) alternativrock av folket för folket
Storhövding (27 – Plan B Workshop) teatralisk och funkig koncept-alternativ-artrock men också typ lite reggae; om gorillor och sånt. skevt! men kul!
vinylquiz (12 – Slicebar)
And The Broken (25 – Plan B Garage) lite garagerock med noter av 60/70-tals powerpop, har ibland melodier som är väldigt big star/teenage fanclub och det är man ju svag för
Pelts (27 – Plan B Workshop) charming powerpop punktrio, not sure! a live recording sounded straight up banging though!
Da Mary (25 – Plan B Garage) lite otydligt vad de spelar för något men lät lite som run of the mill indierock på någon livefilm. döpt efter pizzeria?
Wrestling (26 – Plan B Warehouse)
vinylquiz (12 – Slicebar)
auto stigmata (12 – gränden) nytt band, beskrivit som blandning mellan punk, stoner, doom och altrock.
June Hill (25 – Plan B Garage) atmospheric and emotional indierock, dare I say – a bit emo? chiming guitar notes, all-out noise, all that good stuff
Tiny Oceans (1 – Trädgårdscenen) a bit tougher, a bit folksy och a bit rockin’ indie
This Heel (9 – Blå Söder) eclectic garagerock, a bit psych, but mostly rawk, a little weird, but not too weird.
Poetry (12 – Gränden) noisy postpunk-indierock, one of malmö’s best! they do a lot with what they have, and what they have is straight up bangin’.
vinylquiz (12 – Slicebar)
Interemo (13 – Road Runner 1) death metal x garagerock (mostly sounds like metal), my buddy daniel has told me they’re cool so they’re probably cool
Major Business (19 – Jab Shop) jolly garagepoprock on the faster side, hints of australian psych.
Frida Mirage (9 – Blå Söder) tongue-in-cheek grandiose (indie)pop
Johan Norborg (25 – Plan B Garage) svensk indiepop i sin enklaste form kan också vara väldigt charmig!
Lovisa Linde (2 – Traktorscenen) melancholic indie singersongwriter, music that builds up from soft melodies into sick, sometimes absolutely rockin’ finales
Cub & Wolf (8 – Blå Norr) moody indierock, songs chug along with memorable melodies and sick fat riffs – twinking and howling guitars. newer material akin to that early 2000s indierock-sound (pedro, death cab, etc.)
Wormrose (11 – ABF Scenen) rätt fett överdriven hairmetal, ett spektakel att beskåda irl
Astro-Lloyd (13 – Road Runner 1) garageskate alternativerock, rock n rollin’.
Katzengold (25 – Plan B Garage) goth, melancholic, funky, postpunk.
The OhNos (27 – Plan B Workshop) energetic and supposedly morbid powerpop, rockin’
Erik Rilvik & Blå Hallen (9 – Blå Söder) lätt synthig svensk indiepoprock, men också rätt rockin
Dipper (27 – Plan B Workshop) kind of sick sounding art-alternativerock, a bit on the postpunkier side of things
Stilla Havet (8 – Blå Norr) ganska klassisk svensk indiepoprock med sin egna twist på det neurotiska ljudet med inslag av goth, synth och postpunk
Spurgo (13 – Road Runner 1) good ol’ rock and roll. came for the dumb band name, stayed for the riff in MONKEYMIND, sick tune.
Late Bloomer (25 – Plan B Garage) theatrical and funky alternativerock
Pardon (27 – Plan B Workshop) fast-paced malmöian stadium-nu-powerpop rockmusic
Mami Umami (7 – Ljudgården) experimental and jazzy hiphop/rnb collective with a reputation of crazy live shows.
Golvad Grävling (11 – ABF SCENEN) det är golvad / det är grävling. det är stök / det är ös. det blir kul / det blir najs. rekommenderar starkt att dra förbi när sveriges främsta partypunkare intar NGBG – kan gå crazy. kidsen älskar golvad / skåne älskar golvad / alla älskar golvad.
Dimmoln (19 – Jab Shop) lite rockigare och lite stökigare garagerock
whew ok that’s everything I found to be at least a little interesting. that was a lot to work through. I don’t even know what different genres sound like anymore – it’s all just blended together. what even is postpunk? punk, but slow? I don’t know. and what is rockin’? does it mean that the music is really good or that it sounds a lot like stereotypical rock music? it would be a hell of a lot easier to sift through all of this IF ARTISTS WERE LINKED IN SOME WAY OR DESCRIPTORS WERE GIVEN but whatever. I’m going to bed. goodnight. see ya thursday.
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