Category: NEW MUSIC
new music! HUGPUNCH – “on time”
FFO: Trader, Ovlov, Strange Ranger HUGPUNCH played a show at Plan B last March, ever since I’ve been yearning for more. Imagine the perfect blend of emo and indierock/alternativerock where guitars create moshinducing walls of sound only to hush and let sweet vocal melodies carry the song forth. Well, imagine you need not do more.…
new music! Weatherday – “Angel” w/ “Heartbeats”
FFO: Brave Little Abacus, Hey, Ily, laikaonline This Tuesday, Weatherday released two tracks from their upcoming album Hornet Disaster. It is without a doubt one of the most anticipated albums of the year for both emos and most music critics, following the incredible critical reception of the now emo-classic that is 2019’s Come In. It…
new music! Nektar – “Ord Mot Ord”
FFO: Söder om Söder, Terra, Protomartyr Förra september släppte Nektar sitt hyllade debutalbum Magnolia – från den så släpper de nu i Januari b-sidan “Ord Mot Ord”, ännu en dunderdänga. Man skulle kunna säga att Göteborgsbandet har haft – och fortsätter att ha – lite av ett moment, vilket inte är helt oväntat om man…
new music! Smiling – “Shotgun”
FFO: Frankie Cosmos, Karl Oskar, Pavement Smiling announced their signing with Norwegian indielabel Banditt Media in early January, along with it the release of the first single from the band’s third album. Like most Smiling-tunes “Shotgun” remains simplistic at its core but sonically interesting throughout. Wonderful music that stems from emotion and exudes charm in…
new music! Kallsup – “Golfströmmen”
FFO: Agent Blå, KLASS II, My Bloody Valentine Det här Örebro-gänget gör shoegaze helt rätt. Med en massiv ljudvägg, vrålande gitarrer, drömmiga gitarrer och fina melodier släpper Kallsup andra singeln från deras kommande platta. “Golfströmmen” är ytterst emotionell i sin ljudbild och text som ekar just den översvämmande känslan som musiken ger en, ett mörker…
new music! Human Non Human – Profits in Command
FFO: Right Behind You, and similar artists on their Spotify page – this is not a genre that I’m too familiar with; Limp Bizkit Have you been feeling, I don’t know, a bit anxious about the whole “the world is ending due to the crushing and oppressive forces of capitalism”-thing happening as of late? Well,…